
Welcome to my website!

My name is Miloš Obrovac and I'm a self-taught software developer from Novi Sad, Serbia.

I'm building fast web applications for the next generation of consumer-oriented companies and individuals. I'm also interested in creating SVG based interfaces with cool animations. User experience and attention to detail are my main priorities.

Software development became very attractive to me as I gradually understood the potential for growth that this field offers. I see it as an integral piece in the puzzle that makes my life fulfilling. A job that demands strict technical knowledge, problem-solving creativity, aesthetic concerns, product's intuitiveness, team work AND self-improvement, seems very suitable for my personality.

I spent several years living abroad as a volunteer, an exchange student and as a menial worker, so I'm quite used to adapting to new people and working environments.

Take a look around. If you find something interesting, or you have a proposal of any kind, just go to contacts (or simply click on my picture in the bottom-left corrner) and let me know.

Download my resume here: Miloš Obrovac - CV